
Ending on a Positive

My ending to 2022 has been filled with joy, contentment, and love. Thanksgiving and Christmas felt even richer than precovid. I was able to celebrate with our family in a precovid way, but with a gratitude and appreciation that felt very different.

Thanksgiving was a chance for me to develop and continue our traditions of letting others entertain, while just being present to enjoy each family member we got to see. My soul began to feel the holiday season that was upon us.

Christmas I felt more relaxed setting up our house, not worrying about every detail being perfect, but instead excited to spend it with family in our traditional way. Silas and I worked flawlessly together and I could feel both of us yearning to develop a foundation of family and love for our kiddos!

Last night I was able to spend time with friends that haven’t been to my house in approximately 2 years! I felt a feeling of gratitude and realized no matter the time that passes we will always have a connection and love that won’t dissipate. I am humbled by this.

2022 had its struggles, but I continue to realize the struggles are allowing myself to see the light I may not have seen before. There were things in 2022 that made me sit in the uncomfortable. My body forced me to engage in self care no matter how uncertain I was about it.

My goals for 2022 is to provide intentional self care. Show my children how to do this for themselves. Find light in any darkness that may emerge. Continue to foster real, loving relationships with my kids, husband, family and friends that nurture my soul. 💕

By compassionenriched

Hi! I am a Counselor, Art Therapist, and Clinical Supervisor by day. Mother mornings and nights. Advocate, writer, and compassionate thinker when possible.

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